
saving private "iphone"

On Dec 20th, 2008

I flew to HK

just to pick up my iPhone from Lloyd

(also because my 4-month is due)

I arrived at about 4:30 pm in HK

met Lloyd and his gf

had coffee with them at Starbucks

got my iPhone from him

then took off to the airport

got home just before midnight

寄件者 iPhone (HK version) & HK trip -- Dec 20 2008

also, 我費了好一番功夫 幫媽咪帶了 HK 7-11 賣的魚蛋回來

寄件者 iPhone (HK version) & HK trip -- Dec 20 2008

那個密封袋還是我在HK機場的 7-11 買的

我還到廁所把湯汁倒掉 把魚蛋裝到密封袋裡


ha ha
