
Reflection on the "bleep" moive

I do believe that we are God (or Buddha, or Ala). God is not out there far away in the universe. God is not a pure spiritual figure. God is indeed us. We are God. We are responsible for our own lives, and we have the true power to change our lives. We are in charge of our health conditions, our emotional states, and our unique perception about the entire world.

It is really up to us to take the initiative, to change our perception, and to make the change in our lives mentally and physically. We often think that we are affected by our society and environment; however, we sometimes forget that we are the creator of our society and environment. I also find it very interesting how this movie explains addiction. It is because we want to be addicted to things and we create situation to fit our addiction. It is really us who choose to be in a particular situation among all other possibilities.

Dr. Pert’s mind-body idea dominates a large portion of the movie. Our psychological mind and our physical body are interconnected. They interact with each other and affect each other either positively or negatively. In other words, our mind is our body and our body is our mind. What we do to our mind can affect our body. Consequently, our body can affect our mind through our own emotions and our perception of ourselves.

I really like the way how the director incorporates Dr. Emoto’s discovery of water molecules’ responses to emotions into the movie. It fits extremely well with Dr. Pert’s idea of mind-body interaction. Both ideas demonstrate what our mind can actually do to us. This also relates to the idea of being God ourselves. We have the power to make a change in ourselves, to regain our confidence, to achieve self-awareness. In other words, we can “reconnect” neuropathways in our brain.

I think that it is difficult for a regular person to understand who he/she really is without watching this movie. We are busy with our modern daily lives, and we seldom have time to settle down to think about why things happen in certain ways. I think it is due to the fact that we are taking things for granted and we are taught to accept things as they are. I would recommend this movie to my friends, provided that the information given in the movie is true.
